Anyway, our plans included the celebration of Angie's birthday, but we were the ones surprised. haha We're not sure who had their days mixed up, but Angie's family made plans for the same weekend which included family photos. So .... However, we did enjoy her birthday cake and strawberries! We even took pictures of us enjoying it and texted to her. Yes, we can be evil but all in fun.
Her absence gave me time to make her birthday card. Yes, always behind. I did have her gift card ready but hadn't had/taken the time to make the card. I had it in Design Studio, just not cut.
Remember that Angie is the one with the new grandson, Eli, and her and her husband's grandparent names are Lolly and Pop? So, naturally, her card HAD to be (wait for it) ...
a lollypop. (Yes, I know it should be lollipop, but she's Lolly.)
Pull on the stick and you have the card
with the gift card attached.
Of course, it had to be a fairly large lollipop for the gift card to fit inside. There are several cartridges with a lollipop, but this one was from Mickey & Friends.

I used the base of the lollipop element to get the size for the stick but just cut circles since I needed the stick to be attached to the card and not the sucker. I used George and Basic Shapes for the circles, stick and card elements and used Mickey and Friends just for the swirl layer of the lollipop. I cut out additional "sticks" and just glued them all together to make it stronger.
I think it turned out pretty cute. I probably should have added Stickles, but too late now. Happy Belated Birthday, Angie! (She received her card last weekend when Rose Mary got hers.)
Lollipop Gift Card
Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Cricut Freebies Search List, under the Boy/Prince, Girl/Princess, Babies, Children, Character(s) Theme post on Aug. 09, 2010. Thanks again.
This is great:) I JUST got that cart and I've been dying for an excuse to use it:) you just gave me one Thank you xo
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